Friday, May 6, 2011

What Does Burn Image Mean

Napoleon's army veterans Natalie Wood

Loria, 24 th regiment of mounted hunters.

Sergeant Lefebre, 2 nd Regiment of Engineers, 1815.

are images taken in the mid 1850's, possibly into 1857. The protagonists of these pictures wearing the Medal of Santa Elena, created by Napoleon III in that year to honor the surviving veterans of the Grande Armée. The

found at:

Contributed by Analton

Average Bonus From Hedge Fund

Contributed by Analton.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gauge Size Of Safety Pin


A street with walking it is time to hand ......

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Free Digitalplaygound

May 1

On 1 May 1866 in Chicago, and after a Congress of Workers in Baltimore (USA) whose meeting it was decided strive for an 8-hour workday, expressed these and were suppressed violently by the police.
result of that demonstration was the arrest of seven workers who were later hanged.
In tribute these seven people, martyrs for a just cause, the International Congress held in Paris in 1889, was declared May 1 as International Labor Day. "