Thursday, April 26, 2007

Maxine Cartoons Knees


YEAR 2011

  • April 3 Chorale Ensemble Le "La voix est free" et "Le Remède of Fortune" in St Martin des Champs à Paris (France) le 3 avril à 14h30. free entrée.
  • April 3 concert with "Le Remède of Fortune" 17h Église Ste Germaine in Paris (France).

  • April 15 to 23 trials Oc'Beria in Moissac (France) medieval music (Occitania and Spain).

  • May 8 concert with "Dies Venerable Ensemble Pioz (Guadalajara).
  • May 13 to 15 with a violin course in Casavieja AIZ (Avila).
  • May 21 in concert with "Folcker on Crest" in the Tavern Elisa (Madrid).
  • May 27 concert with "Venerable Ensemble Dies" Villa de Don Frederic (Toledo). IV Days Fadriqueñas.
  • May 29 at the concert with "Folcker on Crest" at the Palacio de Congresos (Salamanca).
  • July 8 concert with "Venerable Ensemble Dies" Sigüenza (Guadalajara).

  • Les July 22 to 25 offices in Saint Jacques de Compostella (XIIe siècle) Vespers, Lauds and Mass of the Codex Calixtinus with "CIRMA" in Moissac (France).

  • 1 to 13 August he Shadowing Fortune several concerts (tbc) by Gourdon and Didonne Saint Georges (France).

    YEAR 2010

  • 17 mars 2010 - 20 h 30: Lou Bissac - France, concert Remède Fortune (repertoire corso).

  • 18 mars 2010 - 20 h 30: Alès (Gard) France, église Saint Joseph, 13 boulevard Louis Blanc, concert Remède Fortune (repertoire corso).

  • 19 mars 2010 - 20 h 30: Lasalle (Gard) France, église Saint Pierre, Place de l'Eglise, concert with Shadowing Fortune (corso repertoire).
    "Lode to san'Ghjiseppu"

  • 20 mars 2010 - 20 h 30: Montpellier (Hérault) France, Maison des Choeurs, Place Albert 1er, concert Remède Fortune (repertoire corso).
  • 22 to 25 of July, I offices of Saint Jacques de Compostella (XIIe siècle) Vespers, Lauds and Mass of the Codex Calixtinus with "CIRMA" in Moissac (France).

  • 4 to October 9 Remède concerts Fortune (corso repertoire, traditional and medieval) in Tbilisi (Georgia).
    - Day 5 at the Auditorium
    Medical School - Day 6 National Radio
    Georgia - Day 7 Obiektivi (Internet TV migrants)
    - Day 8 in the Auditorium of the National Conservatory of Tbilisi.

  • Le Remède of Fortune in Tbilisi

  • YEAR 2009

  • January 5 concert with "Dies Venerable Ensemble" La Estrella (Toledo)

  • 17 January concert with "Dies Venerable Ensemble" La Solana (Ciudad Real).

  • March 14 concert with "Dies Venerable Ensemble Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara).

  • March 23 to 29 concerts Remède Fortune (corso repertoire) in Montpellier, Lauret, Monoblet and Toulouse (France).

  • April 4 concert with "Venerable Ensemble Dies" Almagro (Ciudad Real).

  • April 5 concert with "Dies Venerable Ensemble Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca).

  • May 23 concert with "Dies Venerable Ensemble Pioz (Guadalajara).

  • June 20 concert with "Venerable Ensemble Dies" Esquivias (Toledo).

  • July 10 to 19 course and concert repertoire with CIRMA corso in Moissac (France).

  • August 8 to 12 concerts with Fortune Remède (Repertorio Corso) in Tarn Aveyron y (Francia).

  • 11 octubre concierto con Remedy of Fortune (repertorio Corso) in Paris (Francia).

  • Jean-Claude Casanova on the concert in Paris:
    We attended Sunday concert given by all the Remedy of Fortune, a group of French singers and English led by Frank Hartmann and Catherine Ressaire on a directory full Corsican contemporary songs, manuscripts Franciscans, traditional songs. What a pleasure to feel such passion among non-Corsicans, and what emotion to hear leur version du Tantum Ergo in E ghjunta ainsi l'ora turchina you composé par F. Stabat Mater Hartmann! "

    YEAR 2008

  • May 12 concert with" Dies Venerable Ensemble "at the Teatro Rojas (Toledo).

  • May 24 Teaching and Concert Exhibition Messe in Guillaume de Machaut l'eglise de St Eugène in Paris (France).
  • May 25 Teaching Exhibition and Concert de La Messe de Guillaume de Machaut in La Chapelle de Jesus Enfant in Paris (France).

  • concert June 27 Fernando Mosquera, Maria Isabel Minaya Guadamur (Toledo).

  • July 11 concert with "Venerable Ensemble Dies" in Quintanar de la Orden (Toledo), 22:00 h in the parish church of St. James.
  • 24, 25 and July 26 Vespers and Mass of the Codex Calixtinus with "CIRMA" in Moissac (France).
  • July 25 Calixtinus Codex Eve with "CIRMA" in Gramon (France).
  • Vespers July 26 San Pedro to "CIRMA" in Moissac (France).
  • 3 and August 4th Street show "Remede of Fortune" in Medieval Feasts Gourdon (France).

  • August 4 La Messe de Guillaume de Machaut with "Remede of Fortune" in the Church of San Simeon Gourdon (France).

  • August 16 Concert Dies Venerable Ensemble "in Consuegra (Toledo). August 23
  • Concert Dies Venerable Ensemble "on Padilla's Plaza (Toledo). October 30
  • Concert Dies Venerable Ensemble "in Almagro (Ciudad Real). November 7
  • Concert Dies Venerable Ensemble "in El Robledo (Ciudad Real). 7DE
  • Concert Dies Venerable Ensemble "in Casas de Ves (Albacete).

    YEAR 2007

    • April 28 concert Music of the Three Cultures to "Dies Venerable Ensemble" in The Church of La Magdalena de Córdoba.

    • 20-May medieval music concert with "Venerable Ensemble Dies" in The Convent of Santa Isabel, in the cycle of Medieval Music for the week of Museums in Toledo. Organized by La Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and the Foundation of Culture and Sports.

    • 8-June La Messe de Guillaume de Machaut with "CIRMA" in l'Abbaye St Victor de Marseille (France).

    • June 28 concert "Music of the Medieval Pilgrim" with "Dies Venerable Ensemble" in the Church of Santiago del Arrabal de Toledo.

    • July 21 concert with "Venerable Ensemble Dies" in Sesimbra (Portugal)

    • August 26 concert with "Dies Venerable Ensemble" in the Senate of the University of Castilla la Mancha in Toledo at 22 hours.

  • YEAR 2006

    • With UT, Collaboration in the music recording and presentation of the Federico II DVD, a bridge between East and West, produced by Citizens of the World and UNED, in his documentary series Beacons of Humanity in Madrid.

    • 16-December with UT, Concert in the Liturgical Music Series organized by the Municipality of Murcia, Department of Culture and Celebrations. Parish Church of St. Peter the Apostle of Espinardo, Murcia, with the collaboration of the musician zanfona Jota Martínez.

    YEAR 2005
  • With UT-Draft Recovery of Medieval Music, participation in training for the Week Concert medieval and traditional Sun and Snow College Arroyomolinos (Madrid) , together with Manuel Alejandro Abelleira Folgado Homes Paez.