Sunday, April 19, 2009

How To Get Wax Out Of A Microwave

How shit shot, with poetry.

Los otros días encontramos, sobre el final, “Un oso rojo”, la película de Adrián Caetano. Buena película, con mucha acción y un personaje entrañable. Viendo en detalle el final, dijimos, uau! Arriba Oso! Y es que cuando nuestro protagonista va arreglar las cuentas con quién lo había traicionado, lo hace de una manera lo suficientemente cinematográfica como para que nosotros quedemos con la boca abierta.
La escena es la siguiente: el Oso, aparece en el bar donde está el Turco, jefe de una banda de ladrones que lo quiso traicionar. Ya habiendo escapado de esa emboscada, llega al lugar con el botín en la mano. Habiendo visto, anteriormente en la peli, cómo el Oso resuelve their problems, we know what's coming. A scene of a single man who faces many. And it does so. He sticks his hand to the counter, leaving Turkish alive, and the other shot the shit. But the most beautiful, the end of all this sequence: the Bear is behind a pillar, hiding, against two armed men faced. One coming from each side of that column. What does our hero? Had five bullets in the barrel of his gun, removed four of them and leave only one. Why do you do that, Bear? Pull the four bullets to the side, floor to distract their opponents, thus leaving the other side and kill them with the bullet that remained. Pum! Kill two men with one bullet. Wonderful. YESSSS!
With whom Belisarius watched TV at that time, we wondered why he does that, what bastard, how that is plausible. And we said then: why is cinema! Because we had to have a final film, which cites the films of the Wild West, "because we wanted our character will retaliate and do justice as a film hero. No one was interested, at this point in the film, something happened that had to do with "reality" - if it exists. We wanted to poetry. And the action to empty the drum of the weapon and kill with one bullet, which required a poetic faith that was built along the tape, was an action that is justified only from there. Top
film, then, and what can only tell through cinema.


Monday, March 23, 2009

The Simpsons Streaming Subtitle

after a long leave, go back at least to this blog

're seeing some films, whose resonance we share with you were seeing lots of rubbish
, but some things have appeared, for example, Sweeney Todd, Tim Burton's The Headless Woman by Lucrecia Martel, the grind house of Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, crimes oxford, the last of Alex de la Iglesia, paris je t 'aime, of many directors, some classics like Monty square of monty pythons, rouge, of kiewslovsky and some other thing that is sure is leaking

could comment some crap too, why not

also want to inform, we decided to transform this blogspot in

thank you very much