Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Allergic Reaction To Barry M

returned, as was our obligation ... Proposals

Dear friend s @ s:

As we said a few months ago, be back in October and as always full of new and "intense" emotions to begin our journey film, this time, most especially since the next year, March 4, 2011, age 20, there is nothing.

occasion of this special character, we were designing a series of activities to celebrate this occasion. From time to impotence of stakeholders, all the programming, the common and particular is parked to the "coming months." Obviously we will lose something along the way, because as you know, some of the films have an expiration date on your circulation. Needless to say that for us is a huge extortion as it not only breaks a project that, as always, elaborated with great care and some other effort (more than some think.)

seems that the crisis also affects the feelings, which we do not agree that the situation and limitations set has always been a constant in our long history. This crisis has been with us always (Unfortunately), so that's no excuse to stop a program that has always moved in the balance. To values \u200b\u200bsuch as altruism are pulverized by these institutional and economic hardships that we all invade. The fact that at this point and with a lot of movies waiting in the projection booth, and will continue their long journey.

is paradoxical that in this situation, the statistics for the last two years have been quite significant, a slight increase in viewers in the midst of this situation is still cause for some hope. Powerful incentive to move forward. On the other hand we have always considered the film and show concitación "mass" needed to survive but, perhaps, with other premises. We have maintained a schedule of 150 films a year and about 35 mm, simultaneously with the new technologies. We do not believe therefore that it is time to abandon ship, if not keep working to get it back afloat. However

wind and storms persist that this will not go forward, not only are the ones who can wreck but that pile of bodies for 20 years with us and make it possible for almost all weekends event occurs to make several projections. Especially our French friends always present.

surreal dyes that may have this letter, where not too many things clarified, are due to structural problems. For our part we are left with frustration and anxiety to see (and go ...) and projects that have serious vocation are decimated without any hint of mercy. There is nothing new in a field called Culture

militancy in order cinephile dear, we will contact you to inform you of how events evolve. For now ... our faithful projector Galaxy X, who has accompanied us all these years, remained silent and uneasy with the risk of being oxidized. It's the same feeling I felt before this virtual reunion maintain with you all.

confident that with the arrival of the new year, we can continue the activities, but these months of Advent be quite complicated for us. See you in January ... A big hug.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jobs For Pregnant Women In Columbus Ohio

Great Ladies of French cinema

In collaboration with the Cultural Services of the Emabajada of France, Alliance Française

A tribute to the great ladies of French cinema through a small selection of films: Casque d'or , Jacques Becker, La cérémonie , Claude Chabrol, La Baie des Anges , Jacques Demy, Roman de Gare , Claude Lelouch, Ma saison préférée , André Téchiné, 8 Femmes, François Ozon.

Cycle Film French police
In collaboration with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy, \u200b\u200bAlliance Française

During the months of November and December, the UGT Film film devotes a cycle to French police . The proposal takes viewers on a tour of the genre, showing that the French black film was developed with the same trrascendencia that the U.S. and, while remaining always open to his influence, ended up defining characteristics. Offenders had more elegant, quiet and reflective.

The series features films from the most representative exponents of the time, including Jacques highlights Becket, Henri-Georges Clouzot, Jean Pierre Melville, Xavier Beauvois. Quai des Orfevres, L'Etrange Monsieur Victor, Le corbeau, Touchez pas au grisbi, le petit lieutenant, Cercle rouge

contemporary Mexican film series
In collaboration with the Institute of Mexico in Spain

A tour of the last films made in the Aztec nation.

love in order, by Salvador Aguirre. Vaho , Alexander Gerber. Vitorio , Alex Noppel. Spiral , Jorge Pérez Solano. Roundtrip by Gerardo Tort.

regular cycles: The Film premieres, in short, the seventh game
20: Animemarathon, Meeting with Agnes Varda