Thursday, July 15, 2010

Harris Floatbote Manufacturer

Federico Fellini. The circus of illusions

"Federico Fellini. The circus of illusions "is about creating the myth Fellini, analyzes it, looking to understand and display. The exhibition includes a dispersed iconography, writing a body with numerous photographs, drawings and films so far unpublished. To avoid an excessively biographical sample departs from the strictly chronological data and features Fellini through their obsessions. Focusing on the images that inspired him, which he dreamed, they built ... thus establishing a dialogue between still images and animations.

This exhibition is a kind of visual lab with a double ambition: on the one hand, contribute to the renewal of the model of reading the work of filmmaker and, secondly, to confront the way to expose film. Sometimes deviates from the Fellini film for more broadly address the twentieth century. The Century of Cinema, of course, but also of the press, the media, the television and advertising. In short: the century of the image or, more specifically, the century of the image factory.

"Federico Fellini. The circus of illusions "is structured around four main areas: Fellini and popular culture; Fellini at work, the city of women, and Fellini or invention biographical. Within these broad areas are developing a series of thematic modules that discuss issues that cross the work of Fellini, who is fascinated and obsessed him. Issues such as music hall and circus, cartoon or graphic novels, sea monsters or rock and roll, the reconstruction of reality in Cinecittà, women in all its polymorphism, the ambiguity of their religious feelings, reality testing imagination, psychoanalysis and dreams, their relationship with the media, his attraction to the illustrated press, his revulsion at the television, his disdain for publicity, the inventor of words ... The exhibition not only reveals some of the mechanisms of creation Fellinian, also through a thorough analysis of the context of his work explains the film in a new look.

Federico Fellini. The circus of illusions
CaixaForum Madrid
from 15/07/2010 to 26/12/2010
Monday to Sunday from 10.00 to 20.00 h. CaixaForum
Madrid, Paseo del Prado, 36. 28014 MADRID


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