Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Does Reactine Interfere With Birth Control?

Manifesto for Film-UGT de Sevilla (ASEC)

The Association of Film Writers and Writers of Andalusia (ASEC) wants to express its strong support for the Cinematheque UGT and his primary responsibility, Manuel Gómez Román-Bella, in these times when the continuity of the cultural activities of this forum is in question. UGT

The Cinematheque has been conducting since its inception twenty years ago, an invaluable task of dissemination of a type of film usually removed from commercial channels, a film characterized by its independence, intellectual variety, its ethical and aesthetic .

Cinematheque loss would be a blow to a city, Seville, not specifically about this type of cultural endeavors. The Cinematheque UGT is today, a film reference of first order in the city, and its continuity must prevail over any other criteria, including economic.

Manuel Gómez Román-Bella has been during this time, a steady hand, the hand cinephile who has rigorously steered an institution to which time has made necessary, perhaps indispensable, in the cultural scene in Seville.

Andalusian culture, men and women who make the culture their professional or recreational space, the intellectuals of all stripes can not turn a deaf ear to the demand and felt so reasonable as this: the Cinematheque UGT, Manuel Gómez to front must continue its work to provide a good film, other movies, a movie buff groups that do not deserve to lose this forum genuine alternative proposals.

In Seville, March 1, 2011
Association of Writers and Writers Cinematográficos de Andalucía (ASECAN)


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