Monday, April 11, 2011

Raylene Richards Wwiki

April 14, the anniversary of the Second Spanish Republic

"The scheme was introduced without causing casualties or damage. An overflowing joy flooded the country. The Republic really came to shape the aspirations from the beginning of the century worked the public mind, to meet the most urgent demands of the people.
English society offered the most violent contrasts. In some towns, high living standards, adapted to all uses of contemporary civilization, and a few kilometers, villages were detained in the nineteenth century. Almost within sight of the palaces of Madrid, the wretched of the mountain shelters.
Northwest Provinces where the soil is broken up into bits, which are not sufficient to keep the grower, southern and western provinces where the owner of 14,000 hectares in one hand holds the whole of a people.
The Republic, as was his duty, he stressed the state action. Urgent action regarding the workers, peasants. The strike that affected all English industries was enormous, chronic in land use. Those who know something of the English economy know that the lucrative exploitation of large rural properties was based on minimum wages and unemployment in the newspaper for four or five months a year in which the peasant laborer does not work or eat. With or without socialist socialist, any scheme that addresses the duty to ensure their subjects living conditions human medium, it would leave things in the situation where he found the Republic. "
Azan, M.: Causes of the war in Spain a, 1939.


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