Saturday, October 21, 2006

Morton's Neuroma Recovery

" The Hurdy-gurdy "or" hurdy gurdy "

I was not going to make a hurdy by an expert like Jesus !

Yes, but my idea was to venture to a symphony decided to play first one zanfona that although it was more complicated, was better at learning to play, as the symphony is more uncomfortable for cojerla and adapt to the keys to the hurdy gurdy.
Well, as I say, Jesus convinced me to make a hurdy-gurdy "and what do we do? I said to myself, because I liked was that this represented in the triptych "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Flemish painter Hieronymus Bosch, appealed as "El Bosco".
already had contact with that model zanfona in a course I've done thanks to Jack Martinez left me yours and I loved the size and the sound of it.
Nothing, we got down to work and as Jack had made his Jesus also used the same plans and the mold (two jobs that we save).
first start with the wheel and glued while we were working on the mold sides and contraaros taming the heat to catch the shape and the back cover. Then go bars where the axle of the wheel, the top cover, headstock and the drawer where the keys go with their sculls.
That says it all "2 years to hear it first" is also true that I have not spent much time as he wanted.
finally finished it and I'm as mad with joy, what a pileup more impressive, which is grateful, having no idea always sounds good touch.


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