Monday, June 28, 2010

Ankles Of A Ballerina

Nearly 20 years is nothing (XXXVII)

Small arrangements with the dead ( Petits Arrangements avec les morts), Pascale Ferran
France, 1994
was screened at the Cinematheque on Oct. 25, 1997
within the series "Panorama of the new French film"

A beach in summer. A man builds a sand castle and is watched by three people: his brother, sister and a child. All were marked by the death of someone close. Award winner for Best Debut Film at Cannes 1994. Notable

first feature film of director Pascale Ferran, these "little arrangements with the dead" with emotion and humor describe the different ways of being traversed by the grief of a loved one in an intelligent story that evokes childhood as a metaphor film and that, despite the grief suffered, is a celebration of life.

"Plane after plane, Pascale Ferran has been able to observe a crescendo at sunset that gradually darkens the film " Didier Peron

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Breakfast Essentials Shake

MARTINEZ Carlos Gardel and Astor Piazzolla

Con motivo de cumplirse hoy 24 de junio del 2010,
75 aniversario de la desaparicion fisica del
cantante CARLOS GARDEL,ponemos una carta que
ASTOR PIAZZOLLA, he wrote in 1978.
Buenos Aires, 1978,

Dear Charlie: Charlie calling
Perhaps you remember the kid
13 years living in New York, was
Argentina and played the accordion. Canillita
also worked with you in
The day I want. I put Charlie
when you asked me at home how
Carlitos said in English,
Do you remember when you took a wooden doll that my dad had carved
? This morning I have devoted
two photos, one for
Vicente Piazzolla and one for "the cute kid and great bandoneon player
From 1934 to today, 1978, spent 44 years
and not really missed.

Remember when I wore your
films at Paramount Studios in Long Island?
February 1934, the worst snowstorm of the year,
two meters high and 10 below zero, I'm your translator
pibas compliments to you wanted to know.
never forget the two bikes that grabbed
Lusiardo and broke trying to keep warm.
afternoons I used to walk you buy clothes at department stores
New York.
traveled Sacks, Macys, and finally bought Florsheini
your blissful shirts with vertical stripes and
horizontal. Dozens of them patent leather shoes,
borsalinos, etc., as if you
twine left over. I showed my city (
was proud to know both, well ...
eleven years that I lived there), especially my neighborhood,
Greenwich Village, where you had to know the best
Italian cantinas, and you,
buzzard with problems you care;
excluding the times you came home to sample the ravioli of the Nonin
Asunta and a final
quince fritters.
do you like to eat well!

never forget the night you offered a roast
shooting ended of the day I want.
was an honor of Argentines and Uruguayans who lived in New York
. Alberto
remember Castilian should I play the piano and bandoneon,
course to accompany to you singing.
I was crazy lucky that the piano was so bad I had to play
myself and you sang
themes of the film. What a night, Charlie!
There was my baptism with the tango.

First tango in my life and accompanying
Gardel! I'll never forget. Shortly after you left with Lepera
and your guitar to Hollywood.
Do you remember you told me two telegrams
for me to join you with
my bandoneon? It was the spring of 35
and I met 14 years. The old
I gave permission and the union either.
Charlie, I was saved! Instead of playing the bandoneon
would be playing the harp.

begins a new era in my life.
Back in Mar del Plata on 36.
I grab the crush of music and study
madly bellows. My bandoneon
and I are going to Buenos Aires and
debut with Aníbal Troilo. Do you know who was Troilus?
He was you playing the bandoneon. It's like saying your successor.

We were in 1939 and for 4 years you were God. Your films and records
rose desperately. Giles
now discover that you sang well.
you remember that moment when
preferred to listen to other singers. Your
theater was empty. Your trip to Europe was prescient and your
presentations are increasingly important.
After the United States, your films,
Hollywood, Central and Medellin,
the end of the route. You know one thing ...
to I do not like the airplane, except that it took you
catramina. But ...
after your absence
start new characters appear in Buenos Aires.
Charlie ... he ruined the lives of singers,
those who used to say: Thank goodness, it Gardel was laburo
and more for us and another answered:
Guarda, boys who are the discs. Building
now appears
a new social class: the widows of Gardel,
characters who bought or had your records. Automatically

became radio announcers and "critical", plus all
said they were friends of yours and never had
ever seen. These people have formed their clan
throughout Argentina,
Uruguay, Colombia, Venezuela and many
countries, almost 45 years living
thanks to you. But there ends the matter. After 1936
are born Gardelian
Gardelion, Gardelitos or Gardeluchos. They are oddballs
using your smile, your very pilchas
, your own way of walking and talking
, but they can not do is sing like you
. Charlie, I know you'll
dying of laughter, no wonder.
I can tell you most wanted to be singers
Gardel, Gardel
was all. Here we have run the ball
your discs tested at night, so
sings better every day. Story

a nice, Charlie. Some teachers
edge of the Teatro Colón do listen to your albums
song model, and I am sure that you will always be
up from there and think that I would have liked to sing the great tangos
of 40:
also I had written for you and you have made arrangements
and would play the accordion. Killing
, Charlie. The only thing that I would not
used in the orchestra is the harp. There will
a collection of all colors
You who know the angels, why do not you ask them to change
the system and mess
a bandoneon in the orchestra? Look

which are the fat Pichuco, Maffia, Laurenz
. I'm excited too
and I prefer to wait to be me who organize
that orchestra.
I will work, or as we say today,
"I have a recital." I will think about the kid
Piazzolla when you told him:
"now brings the music and give Arrabal amargo
everything." It was the spring of 35 and was born
duet Gardel-Piazzolla.
am a lucky guy.
Someday we'll meet in the top floor.
Waiting, but ... do not die ever. ASTOR PIAZZOLLA

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Meagan Goods Hair Cut From The Game


Like Gemini where, with an elegant technique in this brutal Rabies, spoke of incest, now provides another extreme proposal , visceral, shown without any qualms, as the sequence of pork, such as naturalization of violence that is breathed from the cradle in the field, something that can not run away, which grows , and that is shown in all its truth, away from the idealization of rural and those who dwell in it, which usually appear as characters always noble and committed. Survivors, as named by John Berger, underclass in any political system. Albertina Carri

gives us moments of fascination and repulsion other, forming a well-oiled as sharp as a mixture in which shows both the beauty of the countryside, the ugliness of the human soul and the innocence of children (the latter shown with the support of a very successful animated creepy.)

Because rabies infected dogs, violence also spread, we all are having on others, on the most vulnerable. About animal sex, pictures of girls (Almost abstract and do not interrupt the rhythm of the film), the relationship with animals, all is violent and crude.

could spend the entire filmography of Albertina Carri, made only three films in the upcoming exhibition "Women and Cinema" to verify that it is all done without compromise, is bold, provocative discussions source , somewhat pretentious and futile. Perhaps too interested in frightening the bourgeoisie and being uncomfortable at any price.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Command And Conquer Tiberiom Wars Interrupted

Val del Omar

Profile José Val del Omar (Granada, 1904 - Madrid, 1982) can not be assigned to a particular item of business too, but had its greatest prop in the film. Belonged to a generation that believed in it as an art in its own right rather than a new opium for the masses. But if it is linked to the film medium as a creator of Doom, meager force, at least, as the footage is preserved today. An eccentric within English cinema, Val del Omar spent much of his time exploring technological issues concerning both the movies and the challenges in his time (the talkies, in relief, color, widescreen ...), as in other fields including electroacoustic radio, television and educational applications of the media. Some of his inventions sought practical solutions, while others penetrated into the notion of total show with a visionary flair unusual, even more if one considers that many of the ideas in this area and made public between 1928 and 1944.

addition, Val del Omar always kept abreast of the latest media technologies and came to glimpse the possibilities that opened with cybernetics, laser, digital video and the concept of mixed media. This exhibition, the most comprehensive to date dedicated to the artist, offers an exploration of his poetics through the various languages \u200b\u200bof those who served, from photography, film, collages and sound recordings to the design and implementation of devices and optical devices, recording and projection. This was divided into a course that plays to his life through the following chapters: the period of the Educational Mission, the laboratory PLAT (Picto stands for Audio Light Touch, a concept designating the practice to which he aspired), poetry art and Elemental Triptych of Spain (the trilogy in which he collected his films paradigmatic). The exhibition is completed with "The crypt lit" (Palacio de Carlos V) monograph which gathers the images that inspired Granada and the Alhambra.

May 13, 2010 / July 4, 2010
Centro José Guerrero
C / Trades 8. Crypt
Granada Palacio de Carlos V Monumental Complex of the Alhambra and the Generalife
C / Real de la Alhambra s / n. Granada

September 14, 2010 / 28 February 2011.
National Museum de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid

Monday, June 21, 2010

Milena Velba Need To Marry

Film UGT. Our little story. Curso09_10. October-Diciembre_09

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tongue An Kidney Problems

Friday June 18, 2010, 20 h: Flandres, Bruno Dumont

Flanders (Flandres) of Bruno Dumont
France, 2006. 91 '. 35 mm
vose War and Peace Cycle Single pass

In collaboration with Cultural Services of the French Embassy in Spain and the French Alliance

" a somber reflection on the barbarity of war and the bestiality of man, only compassion can save a tremendous performances ... beautiful ... "Variety

Explain the process that makes a movie in action remains a mystery. For "Twentynine Palms" was a sensation. The stealth character as police inspector in "The Life of Jesus" inspired me to "Humanity."

If you ask me why or how, I can not answer. The important thing for me is to describe a story with images and sounds. The job of a director is like that of a painter. Matisse wrote that the important thing in painting is not the subject, but how things are arranged around the subject, its proportion. Flanders, for example, is a mystery to me. I was born there. My relationship is visceral, sensitive, in other words, is not driven by reason. The camera becomes a microscope or a lens positioned on the subject ... Need land to shoot humans. In his film, Flandres is an aspect of human existence. I need a story because stories are the natural movement of our lives, our connection with others. Making the film is like knitting. The war "Flanders" is an expression of our desires conflict. Bruno Dumont

Creative Titles For Project On Anorexia

suspended session, Thursday, June 17, 1920 h

UGT. Information note

The meeting scheduled for Thursday June 17 1920 h: Nazario, Luis Buñuel is suspended

UGT Theater
Thursday 17 June 19.30

Girls premiere of tile

From the depths of the heart

Four female characters in the Greco-Roman literature is face to contemporary texts set in the subsequent years the English Civil War. Medea, Ariadne, Antigone and Penépole, four stories that the time has not been able to erase

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Freewomen Extreme Curves

Thursday June 17, 1920 h. Nazario, Luis Buñuel Film

Nazario, Luis Buñuel's
Mexico, 1958 . 94 '. Single Pass Digital
Cycle Luis Buñuel in Mexico

In collaboration with the Institute of Mexico in Spain

In the Mexico of the early twentieth century, the humble priest shares his poverty Nazarín needy living around the inn chamfer. After protecting a prostitute who leads the fire of the inn, Nazario is forced to leave. On his way, the actions of religious cause a series of conflicts that oppose his vision of Christian charity. Nazario

represented the first meeting between two great English: first Buñuel, the most important filmmaker Hispanic, on the other, Benito Perez Galdos, the greatest English novelist after Cervantes. The project had in mind Buñuel since 1948, when the director worked on the adaptation of Doña Perfecta (1950), another work by Pérez Galdós Buñuel which owned the rights.

A trick producer Buñuel Francisco Cabrera left without the opportunity to film Doña Perfecta (1950), which ended up being directed by Alejandro Galindo. It took ten years for which Buñuel had again the opportunity to bring to the screen his particular vision of the universe Galdós.

Buñuel's interest by Pérez Galdós was late. In his youth he seemed outdated this writer belongs to a generation of the famous "98 - but away from his, the of 27. It took several years for Buñuel began to appreciate the elements and characters of the work of Pérez Galdós:

"It was in exile when I started really reading it, and then I was interested. I found in his works elements that could even call 'surreal': crazy love, crazy visions a reality with moments of intense lyricism. Nazario is a novel in its final stage and not the most accomplished, but his story and his character are exciting, or at least I suggested many things bothered me. "

The film marked the first and only collaboration with famed producer Buñuel independent Barbachano Manuel Ponce, who made significant contributions to Mexican cinema, while remaining outside the industry stagnant official which began to present serious problems of bureaucracy and union closure.

Located in the Mexico of Porfirio Diaz, Nazario was initially criticized for not sticking to the Mexican context of early twentieth century. "That does not matter much," said Buñuel. "If it's not Mexico or Spain is a country which can show in the film. Apart from that you know that in many details, if not they, they themselves in others, Mexico is English. It is and not is, that makes it more interesting. "

Nazarín contains several of the more disturbing and enigmatic images of the Bunuel films. The Laughing Christ, the child cries dragging a sheet from an empty street, the kiss becomes a bite or a woman giving the protagonist a pineapple have become the subject of countless discussions in which Buñuel, funny, always refused to participate. "I was intrigued as much as you," he said. "There is no metaphysical theories in my films."

Nazarín Nazarín

Monday, June 14, 2010

Can Stress Cause Snoring?

UGT. 17 and 18 June 2010 CINEMATECA

Thursday June 17, 1920 h Nazario, Luis Buñuel
Mexico, 1958. 94 '. Single Pass Digital
Cycle Luis Buñuel in Mexico

In collaboration with the Institute of Mexico in Spain

In the Mexico of the early twentieth century, the humble priest shares his poverty Nazarín the needy who live around the inn Chanf. After protecting a prostitute who leads the fire of the inn, Nazario is forced to leave. On his way, the actions of religious cause a series of conflicts that oppose his vision of Christian charity.

Friday 18 June 20 h Flandres, by Bruno Dumont France 2006
. 91 '. Single 35 mm
War and Peace Cycle
In collaboration with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in Spain and the French Alliance

This drama, played mostly by actors or pseudo-debutantes debutantes, revolves around of Demester (Samuel Boidin), a young man who divides his time between the farm where he works and Barbe (Adelaide Leroux), a sensitive teenager, a friend since childhood, which he dares not consider his girlfriend.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Poems That Relate To Pro Athletes


"Initially there was a tree, a tree in autumn ...
had lost their leaves, fruit
but still had to eat the birds "

night and dream, travel in first person, in time and space, which starts in a Russian village and ends at the Boijmans Museum in Rotterdam, the sponsor of the film, after passing storms, seas blackened faces, forests, roads illuminated by the headlights of vehicles. All floating images and lavishly chained (mounting fluid and poetic to Tarkovsky, Sokurov which has always been considered the spiritual heir), always in motion, but with a calm of another era carried to the limit of the opacity and allow you to address, with demand and stripping end matters close to the unspeakable.

A mesmerizing voiceover, the lone voice of a man who resembles the Russian Ark, over these nostalgic and surreal images (this really a big difference between the two films), providing a melancholy tone to their personal memories. A religious connection with the images of great evocative power, without falling into mannerism effects achieved in accordance with the undulating dreamlike and unreal atmosphere of the story.

The film begins with a tree that has lost all its leaves but maintains its fruits. In the last minutes and inside the museum, in a picture, filmed as natural landscapes that have been seen before, under the moon, we see a flowering tree in the snow. Sokurov protects the flowers with their hands in an attempt to preserve the collective memory, past and future. Only art provides testimony to what has been irretrievably buried.

"Along the drive leading from Russia to the edge of Western Europe, in all the people I meet, I look for something in his eyes that reveal the joy, happiness and comfort. But I could only find two old boxes ... "

Alexandre Sokurov

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Best Matcha In Toronto

UGT. Saturday June 12 1920 h: Dallo Zolfo carbon, Luca Vullo / An 'you pray alone vorrei, Alina Marazzi

From sulfur coal, de Luca Vullo
Italy, 2008. 53 '. Vose Digital
Único pase
Cycle Novísimos cineastas Italianos
Patronage: Embassy of Italy in Madrid

Organización: Center for Studies in Italian Cinema ( CSCI), Cinémathèque UGT-Sevilla,
colaboración: Light Cinecittà, the Italian Institute of Culture of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe Italian Cultural Institute of MadridAgradecimientos: Adriana Chiesa Enterprises, Buskin, Classic Ltd, Fandango, Intramovies, Mir Cinematografica, Ondemotive, Paul Film, Rai Trade Pact

1946 Italo-Belgian. Sold (by the state) for a sack of coal. Unemployment, exploitation, migration, lack of protective measures at work, the integration challenges us to re-live the journey of thousands of Sicilians to the coal mines of Belgium. Dallo

Zolfo carbon is the socio-historical portrait of Italy in the 40's that led to millions of young Sicilians to slavery: the lack of work, the problem of migration, exploitation, lack of security at work, integration and loss identity. Topics that after more than half a century still filled news pages and television programs.

A journey through the bowels of the earth that the young director takes us to revive with an eye toward the past, when the Italians sold their country for a lot of coal, which became black prisoners, demons in hell of mines and dark.

Luca Vullo was born in Caltanissetta, in 1979. His training as a filmmaker began in Bologna, where he studied filmmaking at the DAMS, attended several workshops and laboratories and worked on numerous series.

then returned in Sicily, on tierra natal. Su primer viaje como comienza narrador-director with "veni UFUM cunta it," a historia sobre a socio-anthropological ciudad y el arte de por sí mismos valerse de su pueblo.

(En producción) The Voice of the Body - Power and Magic of Sicilian Gestures. 2008, From sulfur coal. 2007, Picciriddi. 2005, America and Back. 2005, Oro di Sicilia Caltanissetta. 2005, The Holy Week in Caltanissetta. 2005, A Caruso Nameless. 2003, Cume Veni You Cunt.

Un'ora one you vorrei of

Alina Marazzi Italy 2002, 55 'Single Pass

vose Cycle
Novísimos Italian filmmakers

The film guides the viewer into the delicate and touching territory memory through reading diaries, letters and records of the clinics where Marazzi Liseli Hoepli spent long periods, before committing suicide when her daughter was only 7 years. Through these texts and images of the films made by his grandfather since 1926, Alina Marazzi discovers his mother, his face reconstructed and celebrated through of memory. A film about nostalgia as common sense, sweet, essential and necessary to recover from a loss.

" My mother was born in 1938 and died in 1972, when I was 7. Tell your story through these old recordings of my grandfather for me has been how to restore dignity to the memory of the person who brought me to the world. A gift I want to do to me, her, all the children and all parents . "
(A. Marazzi)

Awards and Festivals: Sheffield International Documentary Festival 2006: Panorama Buenos Aires International Festival Of Independent Cinema 2003: Focus On Italian Documentaries Festival International De Films De Femmes De Créteil 2003: In Competition: Documentary Feature-Length Films. Jerusalem International Film Festiva l 2003: Panorama. Lincoln Center - Open Roads 2003: Panorama. Newport International Film Festival 2003: Panorama. Locarno Film Festival Internazionale Del 2002: Concorso Video. Torino Film Festival 2002: Best Documentary Italiano

Alina Marazzi. Born in Milan in 1964 and nacionalidatd Switzerland, has worked as Alina Marazzi assistant director for several feature films as well as video art projects. Vogliamo anche le rose is his third film as director and first as a screenwriter.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Can I Take A Bottle Of Shampoo On A Plane

Film UGT. Friday June 11 1920 h: Ballo a tre passi, Salvatore Mereu

Italy, 2003. 107 '. 35 mm
Single Cycle Pass Novísimos Italian filmmakers

Sponsorship: Ambasciata d'Italia to
Madrid Organisation: Centro Italiano di Studi sul Cinema ( CSCI), Film UGT-Sevilla
Collaboration: Cinecittà Luce, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona, \u200b\u200bIstituto Italiano di Cultura di Madrid
Thanks: Adriana Chiesa Enterprises, Buskin, Classic SRL, Fandango, Intramovies, Mir Cinematografica, Ondemotive, Paul Film, Rai Trade

Divided into four episodes, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, the film tells the stories of different characters of different ages closely linked with the culture of Sardinia. Four stories in four seasons: Andrea, Peppeddu, Isten Macangiu and see the ocean for the first time. Michele loses his virginity to a young French woman who frequents his sailing club. Predu Ziu his daughter reunited after long years. Giorgio celebrated the marriage of a distant niece ...

The discovery of an almost unprecedented cinematic landscape, with traces of realism and melodrama.

is the directorial debut of Salvatore Mereu (Dorgali, 1965). Settimana della Critica in the 2003 Venice Film Festival got the prize. Official Selection at the Sundance Film Festival and Rotterdam.

"Looks sharp, small epiphanies. Many of the actors are not professionals and are well run, searching, sometimes insistent" magical realism "(moving the last goodbye of the aviator, ebullient finale.) Some cool intellectualism the characters and weakens Mereu's eyes but Ballo a tre passi is part of a push in the blossoming talent of Sardinia. "(Fabio Ferzetti, Il Messaggero 03/09/2003)

Salvatore Mereu. Graduate DAMS of Bologna and Experimental Centre of Cinematography of Rome (address). directed three short films in the 90's, in 2004 won the David di Donatello for best new director with his first feature, Ballo a tre passi (2003). His second feature, Sonetàula (2008), based on the book by Giuseppe Fiori was at the Berlinale in the Panorama section.
Notte (1996), Miguel ( 1999), Il Mare (2004), Ballo a tre passi (2003), Sonetàula (2008)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Green And Black Volleyball Shoes

Film UGT. Thursday June 10 1920 h: The Illusion Travels by Streetcar Luis UGT Buñuel Film

Illusion Travels by Streetcar of Luis Buñuel
Mexico, 1953. 90 '. One pass is

Cycle Luis Buñuel in Mexico

In collaboration with the Institute of Mexico in Spain

Upon learning that the tram 133 in which they have worked all their lives, will be removed from service, Tassels and is Tarrajas get drunk and decide to steal it. During the night, serving an eclectic group of passengers that includes a dandy, a pious couple, a teacher with his students and a trace Matanzas. The next morning, Tassels and Tarrajas try to return the tram but face the obstinacy of Santa Pinillos, a retired inspector intends to betray them.

Undoubtedly, the comedy was one of the genres that Luis Buñuel cultivated with great pleasure throughout his career. Possessing a keen sense of humor and a great capacity for irony, Buñuel found in the genre of comedy suitable for displaying their own unique worldview, in which the absurdity and chance coexist with normal daily. In

Illusion Travels by Streetcar improbable constantly breaks in the lives of the characters, without this leading to permanent alteration of their destinies. The journey that follows the tram stolen Tarrajas Tassels and is full of fun and unusual incidents that Buñuel always considered natural in the Mexican context:

"You know that in public vehicles in Mexico is possible, or was at that time find people carrying crates of fruit, or live turkeys in order: the most amazing things, so I thought that the tram workers travel the Trail with rooms res, and the old pious with the image of a saint. "

After a brief story line developed by Mauricio de la Serna and José Revueltas, Buñuel developed a movie-style trip to heaven Rise (1951). The similarity between the two films go beyond the line plot. " is true that in both films appear Lilia Prado making the same gesture to ride the carriage, with one foot in the stirrup and the mid-thigh skirt" Buñuel says. " acknowledge that here is something really mine , my youth and that of any of my generation. When women with those long skirts, climbed on the tram, caught him by sight, to see if they taught some calf. Of course, in both films the skirt is shorter, and Lilia force shows some of the thighs. Gestures are recorded n. "

Unlike Ascent to Heaven (1951), Illusion Travels by Streetcar casts a more subtle and suggestive sensuality. The pieces of meat going up the tram reminiscent of butchers Peter's dream The Forgotten (1950), in which his mother offers him a bloody steak is caught by the crab. In the pastoral, Lilia Prado plays a seductive Eve expelled from paradise by sinful. In Tram A child looks out the window a woman who arranged the means to view. Consider

long as a lesser film in the films of Luis Bunuel Illusion Travels by Streetcar particular has retained its charm over the years and has overcome the "aging" that many films are condemned. Made unpretentious art, this film remains as enjoyable today as when it was released.

How Much Pain For Scrotum Waxing

10, 11, June 12, 2010

Thursday June 10, 1920 h

Illusion Travels by Streetcar Luis Buñuel
Mexico, 1953. 90 '. sees digital
Cycle Luis Buñuel in Mexico

in partnership with the Institute of Mexico in Spain

Juan Godinez "The Caireles" (Carlos Navarro) and Tobias Hernandez "El Tarrajas" (Fernando Soto 'Butter') advance the tram repair, 133 but his happiness crumbles when they become aware that the tram, which has spent half his life working, will be removed from service and will give the deposit of waste, and thus probably his job. "Half a jar" as they go to comfort a bar, represent only the first act of a Christmas neighborhood in verse in which God and Tarrajas Tassels is the Devil and Adam, and sister, an honest, charming and while surly Lupita (Lilia Prado), is Eva. The two friends returned to the tram depot for beers, knowing that the lamp is on the pastoral, but in his drunkenness with the occurrence of taking their beloved tram station that "given the cool" and give "a turn" that left people waiting planted continued play and come up with the cue nt that are offering "pilot service."

Friday June 11, 1920 h
Ballo a tre passi (Baile three steps), by Salvatore Mereu
Italy, 2003. 107 '. 35 mm
vose Single Cycle Pass
Novísimos Italian filmmakers

Sponsorship: Ambasciata d'Italia to Madrid Organisation: Centro Italiano di Studi sul Cinema (CSCI), UGT-Sevilla Film,
Collaboration: Cinecittà Luce, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona, \u200b\u200bIstituto Italiano di Cultura di Madrid
Thanks: Adriana Chiesa Enterprises, Buskin, Classic SRL, Fandango, Intramovies, Mir Cinematografica, Ondemotive, Paul Film, Rai Trade

melodramatic excesses, four stories, as simple as moving, are joined by the four seasons and Sardinia: in the spring, four children first see the sea, Michele, a lonely mountain shepherd, finds love in the summer and autumn wedding of a close relative will reflect the young nun Francesca about their choices in life, and finally, winter comes to change the lives of the elderly and a prostitute Giorgio who shares his passion for opera.

Saturday, June 12 , 20 h
Dallo Zolfo carbon, Luca Vullo
Italy, 2008. 53 '. Digital vose
Single Pass

1946 Italo-Belgian Covenant. Sold (by the state) for a sack of coal. Unemployment, exploitation, migration, lack of protective measures at work, the integration challenges us to re-live the journey of thousands of Sicilians to the coal mines of Belgium.

Un'ora one you vorrei, Alina Marazzi

Italy 2002, 55 'vose Digital Single pass

"My mother was born in 1938 and died in 1972, when I was 7. Tell your story through these old recordings of my grandfather for me has been how to restore dignity to the memory of the person who brought me to the world. A gift I want to do to me, her, all the children and all parents "(Alina Marazzi).

Cycle Novísimos Italian filmmakers
Sponsorship: Ambasciata d'Italia to
Madrid Organisation: Centro Italiano di Studi sul Cinema (CSCI), UGT-Sevilla Film,
Collaboration: Cinecittà Luce Italian Cultural Institute in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe Italian Institute of Culture in Madrid
Agradecimientos: Adriana Chiesa Enterprises, Buskin, Classic Ltd, Fandango, Intramovies, Mir Cinematografica, Ondemotive, Pablo Film, Rai Trade

Domingo 13 de junio, 19 h
Sesión suspendido