Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How Much Pain For Scrotum Waxing

10, 11, June 12, 2010

Thursday June 10, 1920 h

Illusion Travels by Streetcar Luis Buñuel
Mexico, 1953. 90 '. sees digital
Cycle Luis Buñuel in Mexico

in partnership with the Institute of Mexico in Spain

Juan Godinez "The Caireles" (Carlos Navarro) and Tobias Hernandez "El Tarrajas" (Fernando Soto 'Butter') advance the tram repair, 133 but his happiness crumbles when they become aware that the tram, which has spent half his life working, will be removed from service and will give the deposit of waste, and thus probably his job. "Half a jar" as they go to comfort a bar, represent only the first act of a Christmas neighborhood in verse in which God and Tarrajas Tassels is the Devil and Adam, and sister, an honest, charming and while surly Lupita (Lilia Prado), is Eva. The two friends returned to the tram depot for beers, knowing that the lamp is on the pastoral, but in his drunkenness with the occurrence of taking their beloved tram station that "given the cool" and give "a turn" that left people waiting planted continued play and come up with the cue nt that are offering "pilot service."

Friday June 11, 1920 h
Ballo a tre passi (Baile three steps), by Salvatore Mereu
Italy, 2003. 107 '. 35 mm
vose Single Cycle Pass
Novísimos Italian filmmakers

Sponsorship: Ambasciata d'Italia to Madrid Organisation: Centro Italiano di Studi sul Cinema (CSCI), UGT-Sevilla Film,
Collaboration: Cinecittà Luce, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona, \u200b\u200bIstituto Italiano di Cultura di Madrid
Thanks: Adriana Chiesa Enterprises, Buskin, Classic SRL, Fandango, Intramovies, Mir Cinematografica, Ondemotive, Paul Film, Rai Trade

melodramatic excesses, four stories, as simple as moving, are joined by the four seasons and Sardinia: in the spring, four children first see the sea, Michele, a lonely mountain shepherd, finds love in the summer and autumn wedding of a close relative will reflect the young nun Francesca about their choices in life, and finally, winter comes to change the lives of the elderly and a prostitute Giorgio who shares his passion for opera.

Saturday, June 12 , 20 h
Dallo Zolfo carbon, Luca Vullo
Italy, 2008. 53 '. Digital vose
Single Pass

1946 Italo-Belgian Covenant. Sold (by the state) for a sack of coal. Unemployment, exploitation, migration, lack of protective measures at work, the integration challenges us to re-live the journey of thousands of Sicilians to the coal mines of Belgium.

Un'ora one you vorrei, Alina Marazzi

Italy 2002, 55 'vose Digital Single pass

"My mother was born in 1938 and died in 1972, when I was 7. Tell your story through these old recordings of my grandfather for me has been how to restore dignity to the memory of the person who brought me to the world. A gift I want to do to me, her, all the children and all parents "(Alina Marazzi).

Cycle Novísimos Italian filmmakers
Sponsorship: Ambasciata d'Italia to
Madrid Organisation: Centro Italiano di Studi sul Cinema (CSCI), UGT-Sevilla Film,
Collaboration: Cinecittà Luce Italian Cultural Institute in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe Italian Institute of Culture in Madrid
Agradecimientos: Adriana Chiesa Enterprises, Buskin, Classic Ltd, Fandango, Intramovies, Mir Cinematografica, Ondemotive, Pablo Film, Rai Trade

Domingo 13 de junio, 19 h
Sesión suspendido


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