Thursday, June 24, 2010

Breakfast Essentials Shake

MARTINEZ Carlos Gardel and Astor Piazzolla

Con motivo de cumplirse hoy 24 de junio del 2010,
75 aniversario de la desaparicion fisica del
cantante CARLOS GARDEL,ponemos una carta que
ASTOR PIAZZOLLA, he wrote in 1978.
Buenos Aires, 1978,

Dear Charlie: Charlie calling
Perhaps you remember the kid
13 years living in New York, was
Argentina and played the accordion. Canillita
also worked with you in
The day I want. I put Charlie
when you asked me at home how
Carlitos said in English,
Do you remember when you took a wooden doll that my dad had carved
? This morning I have devoted
two photos, one for
Vicente Piazzolla and one for "the cute kid and great bandoneon player
From 1934 to today, 1978, spent 44 years
and not really missed.

Remember when I wore your
films at Paramount Studios in Long Island?
February 1934, the worst snowstorm of the year,
two meters high and 10 below zero, I'm your translator
pibas compliments to you wanted to know.
never forget the two bikes that grabbed
Lusiardo and broke trying to keep warm.
afternoons I used to walk you buy clothes at department stores
New York.
traveled Sacks, Macys, and finally bought Florsheini
your blissful shirts with vertical stripes and
horizontal. Dozens of them patent leather shoes,
borsalinos, etc., as if you
twine left over. I showed my city (
was proud to know both, well ...
eleven years that I lived there), especially my neighborhood,
Greenwich Village, where you had to know the best
Italian cantinas, and you,
buzzard with problems you care;
excluding the times you came home to sample the ravioli of the Nonin
Asunta and a final
quince fritters.
do you like to eat well!

never forget the night you offered a roast
shooting ended of the day I want.
was an honor of Argentines and Uruguayans who lived in New York
. Alberto
remember Castilian should I play the piano and bandoneon,
course to accompany to you singing.
I was crazy lucky that the piano was so bad I had to play
myself and you sang
themes of the film. What a night, Charlie!
There was my baptism with the tango.

First tango in my life and accompanying
Gardel! I'll never forget. Shortly after you left with Lepera
and your guitar to Hollywood.
Do you remember you told me two telegrams
for me to join you with
my bandoneon? It was the spring of 35
and I met 14 years. The old
I gave permission and the union either.
Charlie, I was saved! Instead of playing the bandoneon
would be playing the harp.

begins a new era in my life.
Back in Mar del Plata on 36.
I grab the crush of music and study
madly bellows. My bandoneon
and I are going to Buenos Aires and
debut with Aníbal Troilo. Do you know who was Troilus?
He was you playing the bandoneon. It's like saying your successor.

We were in 1939 and for 4 years you were God. Your films and records
rose desperately. Giles
now discover that you sang well.
you remember that moment when
preferred to listen to other singers. Your
theater was empty. Your trip to Europe was prescient and your
presentations are increasingly important.
After the United States, your films,
Hollywood, Central and Medellin,
the end of the route. You know one thing ...
to I do not like the airplane, except that it took you
catramina. But ...
after your absence
start new characters appear in Buenos Aires.
Charlie ... he ruined the lives of singers,
those who used to say: Thank goodness, it Gardel was laburo
and more for us and another answered:
Guarda, boys who are the discs. Building
now appears
a new social class: the widows of Gardel,
characters who bought or had your records. Automatically

became radio announcers and "critical", plus all
said they were friends of yours and never had
ever seen. These people have formed their clan
throughout Argentina,
Uruguay, Colombia, Venezuela and many
countries, almost 45 years living
thanks to you. But there ends the matter. After 1936
are born Gardelian
Gardelion, Gardelitos or Gardeluchos. They are oddballs
using your smile, your very pilchas
, your own way of walking and talking
, but they can not do is sing like you
. Charlie, I know you'll
dying of laughter, no wonder.
I can tell you most wanted to be singers
Gardel, Gardel
was all. Here we have run the ball
your discs tested at night, so
sings better every day. Story

a nice, Charlie. Some teachers
edge of the Teatro Colón do listen to your albums
song model, and I am sure that you will always be
up from there and think that I would have liked to sing the great tangos
of 40:
also I had written for you and you have made arrangements
and would play the accordion. Killing
, Charlie. The only thing that I would not
used in the orchestra is the harp. There will
a collection of all colors
You who know the angels, why do not you ask them to change
the system and mess
a bandoneon in the orchestra? Look

which are the fat Pichuco, Maffia, Laurenz
. I'm excited too
and I prefer to wait to be me who organize
that orchestra.
I will work, or as we say today,
"I have a recital." I will think about the kid
Piazzolla when you told him:
"now brings the music and give Arrabal amargo
everything." It was the spring of 35 and was born
duet Gardel-Piazzolla.
am a lucky guy.
Someday we'll meet in the top floor.
Waiting, but ... do not die ever. ASTOR PIAZZOLLA


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