Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Command And Conquer Tiberiom Wars Interrupted

Val del Omar

Profile José Val del Omar (Granada, 1904 - Madrid, 1982) can not be assigned to a particular item of business too, but had its greatest prop in the film. Belonged to a generation that believed in it as an art in its own right rather than a new opium for the masses. But if it is linked to the film medium as a creator of Doom, meager force, at least, as the footage is preserved today. An eccentric within English cinema, Val del Omar spent much of his time exploring technological issues concerning both the movies and the challenges in his time (the talkies, in relief, color, widescreen ...), as in other fields including electroacoustic radio, television and educational applications of the media. Some of his inventions sought practical solutions, while others penetrated into the notion of total show with a visionary flair unusual, even more if one considers that many of the ideas in this area and made public between 1928 and 1944.

addition, Val del Omar always kept abreast of the latest media technologies and came to glimpse the possibilities that opened with cybernetics, laser, digital video and the concept of mixed media. This exhibition, the most comprehensive to date dedicated to the artist, offers an exploration of his poetics through the various languages \u200b\u200bof those who served, from photography, film, collages and sound recordings to the design and implementation of devices and optical devices, recording and projection. This was divided into a course that plays to his life through the following chapters: the period of the Educational Mission, the laboratory PLAT (Picto stands for Audio Light Touch, a concept designating the practice to which he aspired), poetry art and Elemental Triptych of Spain (the trilogy in which he collected his films paradigmatic). The exhibition is completed with "The crypt lit" (Palacio de Carlos V) monograph which gathers the images that inspired Granada and the Alhambra.

May 13, 2010 / July 4, 2010
Centro José Guerrero
C / Trades 8. Crypt
Granada Palacio de Carlos V Monumental Complex of the Alhambra and the Generalife
C / Real de la Alhambra s / n. Granada

September 14, 2010 / 28 February 2011.
National Museum de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid


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